Meet Our

Team and Partners

Team Directory

Dr. Karen Sanzo

Executive Director

Dr.Gary Skeen

Associate Director

Dr. Rachel S. White

Director, Aerospace Academy of the Eastern Shore

Rachele Hirsch-Brooks

Program Lead, STEM Academy at Booker T. Washington

Dr. Helen Sapieka

Director, SmithTech – School for Computer Science, Innovation, & Design

Ms. Tirzah Sarro

Program Administrator- Maritime Engineering and Environmental Studies Academy

Ms. Kaitlyn McCoy

Program Manager - Maritime Engineering and Environmental Studies Academy

Ms. Alecia Stancil

Program Manager-SmithTech-School for Computer Science, Innovation, and Design

Stephen Croffie Djan

Graduate Assistant

Huyen Nguyen

Graduate Assistant

Mabel Annobil

Graduate Assistant

Vaishnavi Lashkar

Graduate Assistant

ODU Faculty Affiliates

Rapidly changing education one innovation at a time

Early Development: From the beginning, ODU recognized the importance of creating a supportive network for lab schools, involving teachers, administrators, students, and other stakeholders in the co- design and implementation of these schools.

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